Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Something New -- Christmas Eve: Christ

Luke 2:1-20

December 24, 2023


On that night there was fear.

There must have been. On hillside and in stable,

fear permeated the darkness.

Fear was a presence around the fire,

Held at bay by the flame’s dim light.

Luke tells us of the shepherds’ fear.

Startled by angels, surrounded by glory,

Those shepherds trembled and shook

while the sky and stars exploded into heavenly choruses

overwhelming their senses.

Was this a dream, these angel voices,

This dizzying brightness, celestial praises?

Was this a dream?

But the shepherds were not the only fearful ones.

Mary and Joseph, consigned to an animals’ stall,

Both must have feared what that night would bring.

For mother and child, birth is a dangerous thing

And the journey from womb to world

Is harrowing.

On that night, Mary, so young,

should have been encircled by other women,

Midwives and mothers crooning their wisdom

Concerning this woman’s work. 

But only the deep snuffling sound of animals could be heard

As Mary labored for Love to be born.

And on that night, surely Joseph was also afraid.  

Maybe he swallowed back his fear and held Mary’s hand,

Whispering words of comfort.

Maybe he fought back his fears of what could go wrong

By reassuring her of all that was right.

Was he overwhelmed by her pain on that night,

Desperate to take it from her but helpless

As she endured alone?

There was fear that night, on hillside and in stable

when the sky filled with glory of the heavenly host,

But that band of angels came not with news of terror

but with glad tidings of great joy.

Do not be afraid!

A savior is born. God is with you.

God is doing something new.

Do not be afraid!

There was fear on that night,

But it was swallowed by the angels’ song.

On this night in Bethlehem

The nativity sits on top of rubble,

Surrounded by destruction, cracked concrete and wire.

And hatred still causes fear in hearts and minds.

And how can we not be afraid

When wars rage on and on

And a little child tries to lead us

But the grownups refuse to listen ?


But on that night,

Jesus was born into that fear

Into that messiness

And sadness

And into a weary world

That did not know how tired it was.

And on that night Light pierced the darkness

And Love disrupted hate

And Peace refused to be silenced by war

And Hope would not lose heart.


And on this night

Jesus is born into our messiness

And our soul-deep sadness

And Jesus is born into this weary world

that still does not know

How tired it is.

And on this night, if we can only tune our hearts to listen,

We can hear the heavens resound with angel song

And glad tidings of great joy

And on this night, God still works through

the improbable

And unlikely

And on this night we hear again

these ancient words

And ageless story

And in them we see God

Doing something new

Something wonderful

Because God will not be kept

From loving us

And God will not be stopped

By cracked concrete or wire

And God will not forget

The promises made

and the heavenly hosts

will not be silenced

and the good news

is still good news

for in Bethlehem

on that night and on this night

a child is born in the way that all children are born

and on that night and on this night

a baby’s cry is heard

and joy and love and peace and hope

are more than words,

because God is doing something new

and God is doing something wonderful

so do not be afraid

God is here

God is with us

On that night and on this night

Love is born.  



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